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NGC1499 : The California Nebula (12/10/02)
HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4 on GPDX unguided
HaR-(HaR)GB - all unbinned
Lum = 11/10/02 Ha image (12x10min) combined with 23x2min Red
RGB = R-same as Lum above, G-12x90sec, B-12x110sec
NGC281 : The Pacman Nebula (11/16/02)
HX916, 6" f/6 MakNewt on GPDX - guided with STV
Schuler Ha 10nm Filter, 20x5min unbinned
NGC7635 : The Bubble Nebula (11/13/02)
HX916, 6" f/6 MakNewt on GPDX - guided with STV
Schuler Ha 10nm Filter, 19x5min unbinned
NGC1499 : The California Nebula (11/10/02)
HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4 on GPDX - guided with STV
Schuler Ha 10nm Filter, 12x10min unbinned
Left image:
IC1396 The Elephant Trunk Nebula - HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4on LX200 Saddle Mount (9/11/02) - guided with STV
Luminance: Red Filter + IDAS LPS, 28x3min unbinned
RGB = (R:28x3min, G:6x135sec, B:6x165sec, unbinned, Astronomik Filters + IDAS LPS)
Right Image:
Same as left, with the addition of 12*4 minute Ha exposures combined about 50% in PS7 with the previous red luminance. This minimized the star brightnesses and bumped the S/N ratio.
NGC6960 (W Veil Complex)- HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4on LX200 Saddle Mount (8/29/02) - guided with STV
Luminance: Clear Filter + IDAS LPS, 9x3min unbinned
RGB = (R:5x2min, G:5x90sec, B:5x100sec, unbinned, Astronomik Filters + IDAS LPS)
M8, M20 - HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4on LX200 Saddle Mount (8/24/02) - guided with STV
Luminance: Clear Filter + IDAS LPS, 10x2min unbinned
RGB = (R:3x2min, G:2x90sec, B:2x100sec, unbinned, Astronomik Filters + IDAS LPS)
NGC7000 - HX916, Tak FS-60C @f4.4on LX200 Saddle Mount - guided with STV
Ha Lumanance, unbinned, 12*480sec (96 minutes total) (8/17/02)
RGB = (R:5x2min, G:4x90sec, B:4x100sec, 2xbinned, Astronomik Filters + IDAS LPS) (8/24/02)
NGC6992 - HX916, TV-76 on LX200 Saddle Mount (8/11/02) - guided with STV
RGB (R:16x140sec,G:15x90sec,B:15x100sec) all unbinned
M17 - The Swan Nebula, HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt @f6 on LX200 Saddle Mount (8/11/02) - guided with STV
RGB (R:6x140sec,G:6x90sec,B:6x100sec) all unbinned
NGC6960 - HX916, TV-76 on LX200 Saddle Mount (7/6/02)
Luminance: Clear FIlter, 14x2min unbinned, guided with ST-4 through 6" MN
RGB = (7x1min 2xbinned, Astronomik Filters)
NGC6826 - Blinking PLanetary, HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt on LX200 Saddle Mount (7/6/02)
LUM: unfiltered, 15x30sec + 10x15sec, 2.5 Powermate (effective f15), unbinned
RGB: 4x30sec each, f6, unbinned
M27 - Dumbell Nebula - HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt on LX200 Saddle Mount (6/29/02)
Luminance: Clear FIlter, 10x2min unbinned, guided with ST-4
RGB = (6x1min bin 2x2, Astronomik Filters)
M57 - Ring Nebula - HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt on LX200 Saddle Mount (6/29/02)
Luminance: Clear FIlter, 32x30 seconds unbinned, unguided
RGB = (R=6x1min bin 2x2, Astronomik Filters)
M8 - Lagoon Nebula, HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt on LX200 Saddle Mount (6/14/02)
Luminance: 10x1min Red + 12x1min Ha (bin2x2), unguided
RGB = (R=10x1min bin 2x2, Astronomik Filters)
M20 - Trifid Nebula, HX916, APM 6" Mak-Newt on LX200 Saddle Mount (6/14/02)
Lum: 7x1min unguided, binned 2x2, unguided
RGB: See Slide picture below
M16 - The Eagle Nebula 10" lx200 @f5, HX916 2x2 binned (5/21/02)
Luminance: 8x1min Red + 11x1min Ha
RGB (R=8*60sec, G=8*45sec, B=8*45sec, Astronomik Filters)
M97 - The Owl Nebula - 10" lx200 @f5, HX916 2x2 binned (5/3/02)
Luminance: 20*1 minute unguided, IR filter
RGB (R=7*80sec, G=7*50sec, B=7*60sec, Astronomik Filters)
Eskimo Nebula - NGC 2392 - ST-7E, LX200 10" f6.3, RGB (each 10*1minute) (3/8/02)
Horehead/Flame Nebula - ST-7E, H-a filter, TV-76 w/ Meade .63 FR, 9*8minutes (12/19/02)
M42 - Orion Nebula - ST-7E through TV-76, 8x2min Luminance, RGB from 35mm shot below (12/19/02)
Rosette Nebula - ST-7E, Televue TV-76, RRGB - (R 1x1 20*2min, G 2x2 10*1min, B2x2 15*1min) (2/19/02)
Horsehead/Flame nebula - ST-7E, Schuler H-a filter, Vivitar 135mm lens. 56 minutes total(28*2min) @f4 (2/9/02)
Rosette Nebula - ST-7E, Schuler H-a filter, Vivitar 135mm lens.(2/9/02)
H-A exposure 34 minutes at f2.8 (22*1min,6*2min) , added to 6*1min green exposures
Flame Nebula - ST-7E w/CFW8, LX-90 @f5, RRGB, R=7x4min, G=3x4min, B=5x4min (all 1x1 binned) (1/11/02)
M1 - The Crab Nebula, LX-90, ST-7E
Luminance = f6.3, 30 min. total exposure, RBG f4.3, R:5*2min, G:5*2min, B:6*2min. Combined in Photoshop (12/16/01)
M57 - the Ring Nebula, f6.3,ST237 LRGB (L=9*30 sec, RGB=4*30 sec 2x2 binned). (11/6/01)
M27 - Dumbell LRGB (L=from ST-5 (see below), RGB =ST237, f4.5, 3*30sec, 2x2 binned) - (10/24/01)
M42 - The Great Nebula in Orion - Fuji Superia 800 - 8 minutes, f10, Prime Focus. Manually Guided.
7/24/01 - M20 - Trifid Nebula - 2x30 Minute exposures, Elitechrome200, Prime Focus of LX-90. Off Axis Guided with ST-5